Thursday, April 8, 2010


Lubaz is a Shamanistic 42 year old Native American who wants to achieve his goal in protecting his land from any harm. Nature is Lubaz’s passion because is the place he grew up in. Being in such a heavenly place is what Lubaz is blessed for, and he thanks God every day he wakes up for this generous gift. The most favorite place to Lubaz is the highest peak of the mountain in the early morning before the dawn to watch the beginning of the new day. Watching the shining light emanating from the sun spreading the warmth and the energy across the place, hearing the nature songs from the birds and the flowing water from the valley, smelling the fresh air distributed in the meadow, this is the daily schedule for Lubaz every morning. Nature is the source Lubaz gets his strength from, so he won’t ever abandon this place to any selfish invader from the city. He’ll protect his land and the animals no matter what difficulties he’ll face.

1 comment:

  1. Shamsa

    Beautiful Samsha, this is the first time I ever had any information about Lubaz or the Shamanistic culture. Your story is rich, powerful, clear, sweet and direct. Letting me know about the Shamanistic cultural rituals, mystical power and the importance of the role of Lubaz, make feel more in touch with the creation. Like a piece of me is part of Lubaz itself. Thank you for your creativity, after this reading I feel urge to plant more flowers in my garden.
